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Garlic Varieties:

Many varieties are hardy to our climate; maybe it’s the cold, but they sure taste good.
We grow hardnecks and softnecks. Some are hot and spicy, others mild and sweet. Of the six-hundred-plus cultivars of garlic, we’ve chosen ours based on flavour, hardiness to our northern climate, shelf life, peeling ease, and appearance.
Currently we are growing 20 types of garlic, because it’s so much fun to try out new ones. Not all will be for sale each year, but we’ll try our best to get as many as possible out for sale.
Storing Garlic
We recommend storing garlic in a dry, dark place where the temperature stays fairly cool and consistent: 15°C (60°F) works well. Don’t keep it in the fridge; don’t let it freeze; don’t store it in an airtight container; do store garlic in paper bags, terracotta containers, woven baskets, or mesh bags.
Eat Lots of Garlic
Not only does garlic taste great, but it promotes good health and helps prevent many diseases.
When garlic is bruised, crushed, chopped, or chewed, an organosulfur compound called allicin is formed. This compound is believed to help prevent many types of cancers. Clinical trials are taking place and the results are looking good.
Research has shown that there are many benefits to eating garlic:
- Lowers lipids in the bloodstream, which promotes a healthy heart.
- Anticoagulant — it helps to keep blood from clotting.
- Antihypertensive — helps with high blood pressure.
- Anticancer: helps to reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer.
- Antioxidant — helps to prevent or slow cell damage.
- Antimicrobial — helps to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms making it antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral.